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Image Annotation

Add a logo, icon, button, and more

Patrick Farley avatar
Written by Patrick Farley
Updated over a week ago

Image annotations let you add any image as an annotation on top of your video. You can upload the file directly to HapYak or reference the URL of an image hosted elsewhere (Amazon S3, Wordpress, internal server, etc...)

Add an image annotation by clicking this icon.


File size - Image annotations are loaded dynamically when the viewer reaches a certain point in the video. So it's a good idea (as with all images on the web) to ensure a good balance between high quality and low file size. A good rule of thumb for image annotations are to keep them below 200 KB. Like any web based technology, the more images you load up, the longer it will take to load the page. 

PNG or JPG? - Most image annotations we see are PNGs as those include a transparency layer that ensures the image seamlessly blends with the video. We especially recommend minimizing the size of PNG files with a service like TinyPNG

JPGs work just as well of course. However they don't have a transparency layer, so take care when using them.

Upload File or URL? - We recommend following your normal workflow. If you usually upload images for your website or other content to a third party system like Amazon S3 or Wordpress, continue doing so as you use HapYak and reference those URLs.

If you normally upload directly from your system, then simply use the "Upload File" option.

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